Thursday, April 8, 2010

18 weeks 5 days Ultrasound!!

What an amazing day yesterday was (April 7)!  Leading up to the ultrasound, I'd heard that I should drink caffeine to get the baby moving so we could find out what we were having.  So I had a coke on the way to the appointment.  (I hadn't had caffeine in 18 weeks!) 
When John and I got to the doctor's office my heart was raising with anxiety!  I was so excited to SEE our baby and hear how everything was developing.  The technician took us back almost immediately, which was a blessing.  We'd already been waiting weeks for this appointment!
The room was dimly lit and there were two screens.  One was a TV screen in front of me and one was the monitor for the technician.  The first question she asked was, "Do you want to know what you're having?"  John and I both said, "YES!" Random fact but the jelly was quite warm that she put on my belly.  I was expecting cold.  Anyways, she got right on with the ultrasound. 
She put the monitor on my belly and immediately we saw the baby.  I didn't know what to expect but it was simply amazing.  I've seen many ultrasound pictures but nothing could have prepared me for the movement of our baby.  The nurse patiently pointed out every part of the baby, as she took pictures and made notes about measurements.  Most everything measured right at 18 weeks 5 days.  The babies abdomen measured 19 week.  The technician was so kind and patient, she kept telling us everything looks very normal.  What a blessing!  She said I have an anterior placenta, which means it's in front of the baby.  So it's my skin, placenta, and uterus.  The doctor said this is good, but I may not feel some of the tiny punches and kicks this soon, because the placenta is between my belly and the baby.  Oh well, as long as it's in a good position. 
As she moved down the baby's body she stopped to take a picture of the baby and said, "I'm going to go with GIRL!"  She said it's a little girl.  A GIRL!  JOHN AND I ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS TO A PRECIOUS BABY GIRL!  Oh my gosh, what a rush this whole experience has been! 
About half way through the ultrasound the technician said, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had caffeine before you came today."  Guilty!  I told her I had heard that it would get the baby moving around.  She said, "Your baby is doing flips and turns in here!"  She was so nice about the whole thing.  I was so embarrassed and blamed it on my sister-in-laws (yes, both Aunts!!)  :)
It was great, the technician saw the chambers of the heart and said again she didn't see anything to be concerned about.  God is good!  The last few minutes of the ultrasound she recorded on DVD so we could take it home and show our families.  You can really see our baby girl flipping, turning, and putting her tiny butt in the air!  What an entertainer she is. 
I did tell our baby "sorry" last night.  I hyped her up too much...poor little thing.  No more caffeine for me!! 
John and I invited our parents over to watch the video and see the ultrasond pictures.  Another great experience to share with the people we love so much.  I'm now almost half way through the pregnancy.  Time is flying by!  Now we need to decide on a name, nursery theme, and start buying cute dresses!  "Not too much pink," John says.  :)

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