Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 39

Had a check up on Thursday.  CNM Jan did the exam.  Said I was one centimeter on the outside and fingertip inside.  Who knew you could be both?!  Also said I'm 50% effaced.  At least we have progress!

So do these look like professional photographs or what!  My husband has a new favorite hobby!  We did two maternity photo sessions this week.  We'll be adding them to our website very soon.  Start booking your session.  We'll fill up very quickly!  haha  :)

Saturday I started having a few contractions.  Didn't really know they were contractions.  But apparently menstrual type cramping (even when mild) is considered a contraction.  So that was exciting to learn!  I also lost (brace yourself) some of my "plug" Saturday evening.  Didn't know what it was, but definitely hadn't seen anything like it before.  Sunday when I woke up I felt like I might be leaking.  I'd had contractions intermittently all night, so I thought maybe my water was leaking.  I called the nurse who paged the doctor, who eventually called me.  The doctor said he didn't think it was my water leaking, but the only way to tell would be to come in to the maternity center to have him exam me.  I knew I wouldn't be comfortable just waiting and not knowing.  So, John and I packed the car (anticipating that we'd get to stay) and headed to the hospital.  We called our parents just to put them on alert.
Mom tells me that these are actually the same steps she took when she was going into labor with me.  And I was born on a Sunday!  So I thought for sure this was the real deal!
At the hospital they hooked me up to the fetal monitor and contractions monitor.  Turns out I was having contractions pretty regularly, but I couldn't feel them.  Interesting...I thought this whole labor thing is going to be a breeze!  It was great to here Taylor's heartbeat!  It was our background music for about an hour!  So the doctor did the test to see if there was any amniotic fluid, and.....there wasn't.  So he sent us home.  He said "You could be back tonight, or it could be a week."
Thanks Doc!  That helps!
So here we sit and wait....I did eat spicy food that night and we plan to go on a nice LONG walk tonight.  We're going to get this little girl out!

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